Discover Hope
Third Week of Advent: Share the Joy!

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near” (Philippians 4:4–5 NRSV).
The third candle of Advent is a pink or rose-colored candle. Historically, it is also known as “The Shepherd’s Candle,” symbolizing joy. A shepherd’s presence provides comfort and assurance, transforming despairing circumstances into joy.
Paul’s letter to the Philippians reinforces his desire to “rejoice” despite our circumstances. Philippi was not Paul’s vacation resort. It was here that Paul and his associate Silas encountered great suffering (see Acts 16:14-34).
Although imprisoned and placed in stocks, their torment could not displace their joy. Why? They had discovered that circumstances could not replace the presence of their Shepherd (the Lord Jesus). Francis Foulkes writes:
“The whole of Christian living is a matter of [our] relationship with the living Lord Jesus, in the atmosphere of his presence and all-enabling grace1.”
In this Advent season we are once again reminded there is a quality of life in Christ that enables us (not only) to “rejoice,” but to radiate a presence of “gentleness.” The nearness of the Lord is soothing and serene, and a gentle spirit is a calming presence—a great need for an agitated world.
“The Lord is near” (vs. 5b). Waiting for Christmas to arrive requires patience. As a child, I remember how agonizing it was to wait. “How many more days till Christmas?” I would ask my mother. “It won’t be long,” she would reply. But her definition of “long” seemed comparably “short” to what I was experiencing. The clock seemed to move more slowly, and the days seemed much longer.
Each Advent season requires a time of waiting and anticipation. “It won’t be long.” The nearness of our Lord’s appearance is closer than we know!
As you reflect on Jesus’s coming, allow His “shepherd’s presence” to transform your circumstances into joy. And don’t forget to share the joy with others.
Prayer: “God of light, we take joy in the gift of your Son, Jesus. We ask you to make us mindful of those who still cry for ‘good tidings of great joy.’ Through us let them know the joy of your salvation. Blessed be God forever. Amen.”

1 Francis Foulkes, “Philippians,” in New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition, ed. D. A. Carson et al., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), 1258.
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