Discover Hope

How can I love someone who’s hurting me?

How can I love someone who’s hurting me_

“How is it possible to love the Azerberjanis?”

An Armenian pastor asked me that question while grieving the loss of young men from his church killed in a needless war. “I know we must love our enemies,” he said, “but how?”

It was an honest question from a grieving heart, one I hear more and more from pastors and parents throughout Eastern Europe.

In countries like Armenia, where genocide has shaped so much of their history, choosing to love those who continue to oppress them is an almost unthinkable part of being a Jesus-follower. But then again, knowing that we are to love our enemies and learning how to do so while defending what’s right is a tension we all live with—even in America.

Our pastors and spiritual leaders throughout Eastern Europe regularly wrestle with issues like this. They face persecution and hatred from people who don’t even know them and are desperate for wisdom to navigate Biblical principles like this one.

My heart breaks for the families who have lost loved ones in the ongoing conflicts between these warring countries. Every instance of violence makes peace more challenging. These brave people desperately need hope, wisdom, and discernment as they lead their congregations in these dark days.

In six weeks, I leave for Armenia and the Republic of Georgia to teach, encourage, and mentor pastors, leaders, and learners.

While there, I will also meet with several of our pastors from Belarus. Due to the war in Ukraine, we are restricted from traveling to Belarus. Still, our ministry projects there are moving forward regardless.

Here’s where we need your help:

To serve our pastors and spiritual leaders in Eastern Europe, we need to raise $10,000 in the next six weeks.

Six weeks will pass quickly, and the time to raise the needed funds is short.

Your gift (large or small) is more than timely. It’s significant. Your prayers and demonstration of love for our brave brothers and sisters who faithfully follow and serve Jesus in these hostile nations are needed – and appreciated.

Please pray that God will lay it on people’s hearts to respond. Also, pray for my strength and safety and that God will use me as I encourage our pastors and leaders.

Thank you for supporting our brave brothers and sisters who faithfully follow and serve Jesus in these hostile nations. Your love, prayers, and generosity encourage and strengthen these pastors and leaders.

To donate through PayPal click the donate button in the upper right-hand corner. Select the amount you desire to give and choose what method you wish to use. To donate through our new secure payment processing system CLICK HERE.

May God richly bless you,


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