Gift of Conflict
Curse, Conflict, and Christ

We aren’t very old when we realize that something is very wrong with the world.
We begin to experience outward pain.
We begin to see relationships fraught with struggle.
We begin to understand that every area of life—every piece of our glorious world—is permeated, in one way or another, with conflict.
When our desires are different from each other, we face conflict. We are not in alignment. We experience incompatibility. And if we insist on our own way, we realize that we encourage contention.
If we fail to recognize and address the conflict, then our relationships can be seriously harmed or even permanently severed. And when a struggle is prolonged, the pain is intensified.
Our contentions and conflicts stem from our sin nature. In the Book of James, we see how our desires are at war within us. Apart from God, we cannot want anything good or do anything good. This condition has been present from the beginning when Adam and Eve, our first parents, broke covenant with God and plunged the entire human race into sin and misery (Genesis 3).
Unrestrained passions (human desires) can produce terrible behavior. A quick look at history reveals the violence and destruction that unfulfilled desires can bring.
But the answer to the curse of our condition is Christ. The solution to all conflict is Christ. Christ is the cure.
“For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17)
Romans 5:17 reminds us of how one man, Adam, brought sin and misery into the world. And because of Adam—death reigned as an undefeatable tyrant. But the story doesn’t end there. The rest of the verse teaches us there is freedom and forgiveness through the perfect Son of God, Jesus Christ. By faith in the righteousness of Christ and His atoning work on the cross, we can once again have life and find true peace.
Peace with God.
Peace with others.
Peace in navigating conflict God’s way.
This is the power of the Gospel.
Only God can satisfy our hunger and quench our thirst. The proper focus for fulfilled desires is God alone.
I’m thrilled to announce that my book, The Gift of Conflict: The Art of Biblical Reconciliation and the Gift of Conflict Course are now available! Both of these provide invaluable and practical insights on navigating conflict and finding peace.
Are you ready for a deep dive into the Gospel? Click here to enroll in The Gospel Course FOR FREE!
I pray that all of these resources help you embrace conflict as a transformative tool for personal and spiritual growth. And that you find lasting peace in learning to navigate hardship God’s way!
In Christ,
Richard Parrish
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