Trusting God’s Word in a World Gone Wild

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4 ESV).
Who among us is not troubled by the conditions of our world? The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Israel and Hamas may seem miles away. Still, the media is effective in constantly displaying the horrific images of suffering. Strife and anguish are impossible to ignore.
Faith in God is less complicated when peace is bountiful, and life is pleasant!
Who among us is not experiencing the impact of out-of-control inflation? Have you checked the price of eggs lately? Economically, people struggle. Debt continues to rise, and financial stability and security are increasingly challenging for governments, businesses, and families.
Trusting God is less complicated when bank accounts are abundant!
Our courts are full of frivolous lawsuits, costing millions of dollars while diverting time and attention from legitimate cases. Innocent people, falsely accused, suffer emotionally and financially because of the insistence of parties willing to do anything to destroy them.
Depending on God is easier—and more comfortable—when our adversary leaves us alone!
Before you jump to conclusions, I’m giving you a picture of a rising political figure who reigned over Israel from approximately 1090 to 970 BCE.
Wars, economic challenges, and personal threats and attacks were as prevalent then as they are today. David, the shepherd boy and musician who soothed King Saul’s troubled soul while playing his harp, soon became a threat to Saul. Forced to flee for his life, David departed to Gath (a Philistine city on the southern border of Palestine). For David, living in Saul’s palace would have been more comfortable than hiding in caves.
Psalm 56 is a song of trust ascribed to the time of David’s escape to Gath. Listen carefully to his opening words:
“Be gracious to me, O God, for man tramples on me; all day long an attacker oppresses me; my enemies trample on me all day long, for many attack me proudly” (Psalm 56:1-2 ESV).
Does this sound familiar? Do you feel that challenging circumstances you face are out of your control at times?
You do everything you can to keep peace, budget well, and not offend anyone. But despite your efforts, wars continue, and the cost of living increases. You’re careful to question or disagree with anyone for fear of being alienated or threatened.
Can you identify with David?
Although David can’t change his circumstances, he trusts God. When he is fearful, he trusts God. David relies on God’s word rather than media reports. He has experienced how God’s word is trustworthy, dependable, and secure—an anchor in uncertain and disturbing times! David cannot stop his adversary from twisting his words. He’s powerless to change how his enemy thinks of him (verse 5).
God remains dependable when we’ve done all we can, and our circumstances are not changing!
David’s trust in God is bolstered by God’s promise (God’s word). Because God is trustworthy, David’s fear subsides, and he’s reminded that his responsibility is to perform his vow (his promise) to God and to continually render thanks to God—no matter what! (Verse 12)
- What’s your fear? Can you name it?
- How is God’s word reminding you of the Lord’s constant faithfulness?
- Are you willing to give your enemy to God, knowing confidently that God (in His time) will handle your adversary?
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