Discover Hope
Keep Planting Seeds of Goodness

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9 ESV).
Weariness weakens our desire to do good. Just ask the apostle Paul.
Paul is weary of those “on a mission” to undermine Christ’s gospel (the Good News).
One cannot read his letter to the Galatians without sensing some of Paul’s anger. Beyond attempts to discredit Paul’s credentials as being a true apostle, the gospel message in Galatia has been attacked and undermined by damaging lies.
Jewish leaders visited the church in Galatia (comprised of Gentiles and Jews). They insisted that Gentiles must be circumcised and adhere to the strict observance of the Jewish law. In other words, these false messengers insisted that they first must be proper Jews before they could be proper Christians.
We are not the first to recognize attempts to subvert the gospel. We continually hear cultural messages that are antithetical to the Good News.
Closely examining Paul’s letter to the Galatian church reveals his frustration and anger. To the Galatian Christians who accept the “lies” of those desiring to undercut the message of Christ, he calls them “foolish” for believing such nonsense (Gal 3:3). And for those who preach such “foolishness,” he wishes that they would go and mutilate themselves! (Gal 5:12).
Do you sense his frustration and anger?
That’s the background for Paul’s words. Living with combatting messages intended to dilute, minimize, or undercut the gospel can be exhausting.
Add to the ongoing onslaught of messages attempting to undermine Christ’s message the stressors of life (family, finance, struggles with our fleshly desires, physical, emotional, and spiritual strivings, etc.)—and it’s amazing we can even get out of bed, let alone persevere.
Paul does not ignore his cultural surroundings. Nor should we. However, Paul refuses to allow the influence of his environment to dissuade him from doing good.
Using an agrarian metaphor, Paul reminds us to continue planting the seeds of goodness—and indeed, the gospel is Good News! By continuing to do so, we will reap a harvest.
I admit that the gospel (the Good News of Jesus) will regularly place us at odds with our world. But keep on spreading the seeds of the gospel!
Weariness (a loss of enthusiasm, discouragement, and a loss of heart) makes us want to give up. But keep planting the seeds of the Good News, anyway.
Paul recognized that the Galatians needed the gospel message. Our world continues to need this message.
Are you weary? Do you feel discouraged? Are you tired of the false messengers that desire to subvert the message of Christ?
If so, the key is to continue to sow seeds of goodness—and not give up! The harvest will come.
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